Mobile App infoOur Allday clock in mobile app which is available for Android and IOS will enable your employees to clock IN or OUT via a mobile phone. Records are securely stored on our hosted system. Managers can view these records including the geo location of the event on google maps from any web enabled device such as mobile or tablet.
Mobile App users can :-
Create a clock IN event which is geo located
Create an OUT event which is again geo located
Run a report for their own IN OUT events for a date range
Run a roll call report for all staff or for a particular location within the company *
Note: each location requiring to be separated on the Roll call report will need a separate attendance device.
Managers can authorise or deny use of the Mobile app for individual employees via the online account setup for the employee.
Managers can view geo location records via a built in link to Google maps for the IN OUT events created.
Mobile attendance records are displayed and calculated in the clock card screen of your online account producing hours and optionally pay totals.
Self Service Rotas
This is an add on option to a main subscription package as listed on this page please add this item into your basket then if you do not already have a main package subscription choose your main package from the link above and also add that to your basket. Managers who are tied down with the requirement to build and maintain employee shift rotas will appreciate our latest feature. Using our cloud based Time Attendance system and our new Rotas feature you can empower your flexible workforce to choose the shifts that suit them leaving your managers free to do other tasks and not waste time building and altering rotas.The Rotas can be fully managed and allocated by the manager or you can allow your employees to select what Rotas they wish to work while still retaining overall control of what is available.Its so easy Managers select the required shifts they need to be worked for each day and how many staff they need for this (they can even copy all shifts from the day before or from last week to save even more time). Employees log in if you allow them to and select the shifts that suit them to work. If employees change their mind they can drop the shift again (if it is not too close – managers will determine how many days before shifts can be dropped). Managers will get automated emails notifying them of shift vacancies not yet selected for upcoming shifts – these can be set to notify for tomorrow or the next few days or the next week, as required. Managers can log in and select employees to fill non selected shifts and employees are notified via email of the shift allocation. Employees and managers get a full view of who is working what shift and when so they can avoid any possible conflicts and assure the right people with the correct skills are going to be present for each shift. Employees can optionally (if the manager allows) set availability so they are not selected for shifts they cannot attend. Contact us for more info +44(0)1252 544457Watch the setup video
Sample Clock Card Report (click to view)Sample Date range report (Click to view)Sample Roll Call Report(Click to view)Generation of simple global reports to PDF such as :-
Clock cards, With or without overtime calculated.
IN and OUT times,
Employee details,
Absences and Roll call.
Employee online clock card
Every system subscription includes the ability to view and manage your employees electronic clock cards.
Including storing of historic clock cards.
Employee pay calculation with payments and deductions is also available.
Print the clock cards or email them to yourself or the employee.
Select your Time Attendance System Level
Create as many absence types as you need and then employee absences can be booked to the absence calendar - you can then have a clear view of historic and future staff absences and run reports of absence for this week , next week or whenever you need.
recording employee time attendance
You may not always wish to pay your employees for every minute they attend as they may clock in a few minutes early and use this time to chat, have a coffee or read the news. This is where roundings come in useful to push the totals of hours to the nearest time increment such as the next 15 minute point so 08:57 becomes 09:00 for example. Likewise, if someone is a minute late you may not wish to penalise them - for instance, arriving at 09:01 - you may not want to round this to 09:15 so this is where Grace comes in handy so you can give employees say 3 minutes Grace - then 09:01 becomes 09:00 not 09:15.
RFID Card Fob PIN or Fingerprint Attendance Terminals
You can add a competitively priced quality Fingerprint Attendance clock to your system. Our terminals come with built in WiFi and PIN keypad they also have built in RFID card or key fob reader too.
If you do not need the added security of Fingerprint biometrics you can order an attendance unit without this too - it will still have the RFID reader, WiFi and the PIN option too.
This is a modular cloud based Time Attendance system developed and fully maintained by Allday Time Systems that can provide you with just the features you need.
There is no requirement for any long term contract simply choose the elements you need and subscribe on a monthly basis, cancel, upgrade or downgrade when you want- you decide.
The system is fully supported with online chat screens and free training, when required.
RFID Card fob PIN or Fingerprint attendance terminals
You can add a competitively priced quality Fingerprint Attendance clock to your system. Our terminals come with built in WiFi and PIN keypad they also have built in RFID card or key fob reader too.
If you do not need the added security of Fingerprint biometrics you can simply use the RFID cards or fobs or just use the PIN option .