Allday Time Manager’s ESP (Employee Status Panel) is a comprehensive tool for viewing the current status of your workforce. It provides a clear display of the following:-
- Employee’s who are currently IN
- Employee’s who are currently OUT
- Unauthorised employee absence
- Authorised employee absence
- Unauthorised employee attendance
- Expected work patten for currently unauthorised absent employee’s
- Total employee counts for IN/OUT
With various filtering options and the ability to run reports of the currently displayed data directly from the screen. This will prove to be a very useful tool for any business who need to be aware of the current staffing levels within their organisation. Such as:-
- Shops and retail establishments
- Hotels and Restaurants
- Manufacturing with production lines to man
- Customer service centres or call centres
- And many more…….
With the use of Allday Time’s Live terminals the ESP option gives near live data feed to your managers desktop This providing them with the information they need to help run your business more efficiently.