How much does it cost?
Start at a level you need
PrimeTime web entry level is free. Tell me more about this cloud based time attendance system or create a free account
PrimeTime web monthly subscription cost from £5.00 per month. Tell me more about this cloud based time attendance system
FreeTime a comprehensive hosted time attendance package with no upfront costs from £10 per Week. Tell me more about this premium hosted time attendance solution
Options and Hardware
Employee Self Service Shifts & Rotas costs from £15.00 per month. Tell me more
Mobile attendance app + Geo locate costs from £15.00 per month. Tell me more
Fingerprint WiFi attendance terminal from £195. Tell me more
RFID WiFi attendance terminal from £195. Tell me more
PIN entry attendance terminal from £195. Tell me more
Call us for advice or further information Tel: 01252 544457