RFID Contactless Time Attendance Terminals
Built in Id Technologies
RFID Card or fob reader
PIN entry
Live Feed to Cloud Attendance Systems
Built in WiFi
User Voice prompts
Large Colour TFT Screen

RFID Contactless Cloud connected Attendance terminal
Employee Capacity
Up to 3,000 employees.
Using RFID or Pins in any combination
Suitable for following Systems
Freetime –Professional hosted cloud Time Attendance System
Primetime –Small business Attendance System
Contactless Time Attendance And Access Control Solutions
Contactless Technology allows users to clock in or out or gain access to a building or room without the need to touch the shared device or terminal.
This has several advantages such as the prevention of cross contamination between users in the work place. Also because no moving parts are present this eliminates mechanical breakdown and increases reliability with less down time giving a system you can rely on.
We have a range of terminals and options with no need for any physical contact with a shared device to register an In or Out for contactless Time and Attendance.

Contactless No Touch RFID
The main features of an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) contactless no touch system work on RFID technology with an embedded chip and aerial encapsulated within a card or a key fob. Each user has their own unique card or fob assigned to them on registration/ enrolment.
The time attendance terminal sends out an RF signal that extends up to 10 cm from the unit this is reflected back to the unit by the users ID card or fob. This reflected signal contains a code that is unique to the user and can then be stored as an In or Out transaction.

Contactless No Touch Biometrics For Time Attendance Or Access Control
Contactless no touch Biometrics for Attendance can use modern Face Recognition with optional Temperature reading or Palm Vein readers units. With either of these solutions there is no need for contact so reducing the risk of cross contamination between users.

Contactless Exit Switches
Contactless Exit switches can be used to replace push to exit switches or push buttons. There is no physical contact – just wave a hand in front of the unit will activate the door lock or barrier

Allday Clock In App
Our latest App allows users to clock In or Out on their smart phone with no need to use a shared device.
The App technology uses Geo location to record where users registered the clock In / Out, making it ideal for home workers and field service staff.
The Allday Clock In App needs to be linked to an existing Freetime Hosted System, PrimeTime Web Account or ATM system on a rental arrangement.

Allday Palm Reader 8000. Ultimate Biometric Device – Fujitsu ‘Palm Secure’ biometric technology scans the user’s palm veins – Maximum accuracy and security (10 times more accurate than typical finger print reader) – LCD display, Green/Red LEDs and voice instructions for simple enrolment and use.