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Timekeeper v Freetime-Prime

TimeKeeper is the free attendance software that comes with your Timekeeper Attendance terminal and a link to download the system is further down this page. The free software will give you basic attendance functionality allowing you to add your employee records, collect and edit the attendance records from your attendance clock, and run an attendance report. The free software will also allow you to add and edit absence records and run an absence report.

For further more advanced attendance functionality and better reporting you can export your attendance records from TimeKeeper to FreeTime-Prime. Some of the main benefits of this option are listed in the table below.

  TimeKeeper  FreeTime-Prime
Free Support – Yes Yes-live support is built into every page
Collect IN/OUT records direct from clock – Yes Yes-Can be live and automated depending on hardware purchased
Adds up from entry to exit time – Yes Yes
Run an Attendance report for employees – Yes Yes- With filter options for departments and employees
Add and edit IN/OUT times – Yes Yes- On an easy to view clock card
Add and edit Absences – Yes Yes- On a calendar view
Run an Absence report – Yes Yes- With filter options for departments and employees
Set time rounding increments – No Yes
Set Grace allowances for lateness or rounding – No Yes
Auto deduct a lunch break – No Yes
Calculates Night shifts No Yes
Import IN/OUT times from file – No Yes
Clock In/Out from Mobile devices+Geo locate – No Option
Run Roll call from mobile – No Option
Rotas online with Employee self service shifts – No Option


Upgrade instructions: To upgrade to the latest build available from the link above on your computer it is recommended to take a backup of your current data, to do this navigate to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Allday Time Systems Ltd\AlldayTimeKeeper

and make a copy of your database file TimeKeeperSystemDatabase.sqlite

then download and install the updated software and all should be ok.

However if something goes wrong you can if necessary replace your saved database to the location you saved it from and open the software. Failure to follow this procedure may lead to loss of historic data in your system.

Latest Major release info

Latest version is V21.0.0.0  addresses  adding of new terminal issue associated with systems being upgraded from older versions.

V19.0.0.0 release addresses several bug fixes and improvements to the software including better linking to FreeTime Prime system.

Previous major releases

V13.0.0.0 release

  • Auto Collect IN OUT times from clock when software starts
  • Auto collect IN OUT Times from clock every 5/10/15 mins as required
  • New Terminal User Guide
  • Auto send data to Primetime giving benefits listed below
    • Employee Roll call on mobile
    • Deduct lunch breaks
    • Calculate Night Shifts
    • Round to 15mins
    • Grace for lateness allowance
    • Plus more…

V11.0.0.0 release 

  • Now contains built in Help files on the help tab
  • Reports run with alternate employee shading giving enhanced view
  • Connectivity improvements
  • Clearer help guidance on WiFi setup
  • Clearer help Guidance on Employee name setup

V10.0.0.3 release 

  • If operator imports same data multiple times from file import facility no duplicate data is created.

V10.0.0.2 release 

  • Adds Date filter to IN / OUT times Tab and Absence Tab
  • Adds Sort order option to IN/Out tab and Absence Tab

V10.0.0.1 release 

  • Adds auto terminal discovery feature

V9.0.0.0 release 

  • Absences now available to book and report on